CMS Kart Glass Loading System


Automatic loading system

CMS Glass Technology offers a wide range of Kart model loaders/unloaders for the automatic handling of glass sheets. All such systems are easily integrated into any straight line edger (vertical or horizontal), machining centers and double edge machines. They enable the operator to carry out loading/unloading operations in complete safety, minimizing all risks of breakage and increasing productivity.

  • the movements (approach, pick-up, lifting, tilting, release, etc.) are managed by a CMS designed PLC

  • the glass sheet is picked up by a suction cup group connected to the vacuum circuit through a Venturi system or a liquid ring pump; according to the sheet dimensions, the software decides on the number of suction cups to use

  • it is possible to load/unload two or more glass sheets simultaneously from butted rows and/or overlapping surfaces

  • the (optional) brushless motors make movements smoother and faster

  • they can be easily integrated into other manufacturers’ plants


Thanks to the movement with rack and pinion it's possible to handle glass sheets up to 400Kg or reach cycle times of less than 15 seconds.

The device that interposes strips of paper between one glass and another. In this way, the glasses are not scratched and are ready to be sent directly to the final customer.

Thanks to the movement of the wrist controlled by a brushless motor, specific recipes can be set for each type of pallet. With a variable angle of 90 ° with automatic adjustment, the pallet changing time is zero

The NC management controls each single suction cup to eliminate operator intervention. The Kart can manage the vacuum through a Venturi system or with a vacuum pump for cycle times reduced by 15%.